Texas police are searching for a man who shot and killed a woman driving on a busy highway.

According to the source, the incident happened Wednesday evening as traffic during rush hour was coming to a crawl. Twenty-six-year-old Brittany Daniel was driving on busy Arlington, Texas, Interstate 30 to take a co-worker home when a car, which was reportedly being driven recklessly, pulled alongside her in the eastbound lane.

"Apparently the vehicle thought that the victim's car maybe wasn't traveling fast enough, so they tried to get around the victim's car," Arlington police spokesman Lt. Christopher Cook told the news station.

A man sitting in the backseat of the car rolled down a window and reportedly began shouting obscenities before firing two shots,

Police told the news station that although Daniel was hit, she was still able to pull over and ask her friend to call 911. When emergency units arrived, authorities were unable to save Daniel.

"By the time me and my wife got there, they were telling us that we lost our baby," Daniel's father, Malcolm Daniel, told The source.

Malcolm Daniel told the news station that his daughter might have said something back to the man if he was yelling crazy things at her but that nothing explains the loss of the daughter he still called "baby girl."

"If they talked crazy to her, she may have said something back," Malcolm Daniel said. "My main goal in life is to try and find this person that's responsible and make them hope they pay for this."

Police are asking for the public's help in solving this case, since there is no surveillance footage.

"They’re asking for anyone driving on I-30 near Cooper Street between 6:45 and 7 Wednesday night who saw or know something to speak up,"

Police describe the suspect as a light-skinned black or Hispanic man in his mid-20s, and the car as a "small, dark-colored, four-door sedan with tinted windows," the news station reports.

Source; KHOU reports.

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